Jesus commands us to “therefore, go and make disciples of all nations" in Matthew 28:19a NLT.

And as such, missions outreach is a large part of the ministry we are involved with as a church. We want to fulfill this Great Commission by bringing the Gospel to places where people would otherwise have little or no chance of hearing the truth of Jesus Christ.

Our heart for missions being the following:

1.) Sending & Supporting

As a church we send and support financially long term, overseas missionaries and organizations throughout the world.

2.) Facilitating

We regularly facilitate short-term mission trips to not only support our missionaries but to also engage the local church in what God is doing beyond our community.

3.) Serving & educating

In reference to Acts 1:8 we believe God has first called us as a church to serve Clatsop County (our Jerusalem), Oregon (our Judea), and internationally (the Ends of the earth). In addition to this calling, we understand the importance of educating the local church about missions, missionaries, and mission opportunities.

4.) Praying

We believe prayer is the key to winning and ultimately supporting our missionaries as they serve on the front lines in a very real spiritual battle for souls. We regularly encourage our church to pray for our missionaries.