We believe that early on in the life of the church, the Lord called us to "keep it simple". Our heart is to emulate Acts 2:42. In that passage, we see the church committed to four things: Teaching of God's Word, fellowship, prayer, and communion. Thus, we place a high emphasis on a systematic teaching of God's Word. We encourage the church to be involved in the community of believers intimately. We seek to pray together often and take communion regularly. We also seek to worship Him "in Spirit and in truth", therefore we dedicate much time to corporate worship.
In 1999, the founding pastor of Coastline, Jason Biel, was "sent out" by Applegate Christian Fellowship in a venture of faith to plant a church on the North Coast of Oregon. He and his family arrived in the winter of 1999 away from friends and family to pioneer a work. Eventually, Jason met a family who invited him to their home to start a Bible study in their living room on Thursday nights. What began as a small, 6-8 person Bible study began to blossom and grow. Soon, an opportunity came to meet on Sundays in a borrowed office space. That was quickly out-grown and in October of 1999, Coastline Christian Fellowship, moved to a small warehouse in downtown Warrenton. Eventually, the warehouse was outgrown, and the church was in in need of a new facility. In 2005, the Lord blessed CCF with the purchase of the old Olney Elementary School in Olney (just outside Astoria). This is where the church continues to meet. In 2017, as Pastor Jason was called away to ministry in Kauai, Chris Suits was called and annointed by the Elders of the Church to serve as Lead Pastor. Chris continues to lead and serve the fellowship faithfully to this day.